Its in the Fellowship

February 13, 2008

Carie has off school today.  Another snow day here in New England.  We’re eating cereal and she’s reading and I’m blogging this morning.  Some early morning apologies  to Dave Huey, avid reader of my blog from my MySpace page.  I forgot to paste it onto MySpace yesterday, and He wrote me this email, which I just had to share.  Nothing like “sharpening the saw.”

Good afternoon,I am working on developing some daily habits in my state of being unemployed:

Sleep in.

Read a chapter or two of the bible.

Read a chapter out of one of my books.

Eat breakfast.

Take a d___.

Take a shower.

Check email.

Stalk people on facebook.

Read your blog.

Get the mail.

Look for a job.

Now, when you don’t blog – it screws up my routine.

I’m going to need a little help from you on this.



Thanks Dave for this help in not allowing me to forget the syndicating of my blog on facebook and MySpace.

But I have some incredible news.  For those of you who are computer savvy, specifically in the form of html, I have finally found a solution to our problem using Fellowship One.  Yes, we had a slight problem.

The problem was that none of us on staff knew anything about html and that was the language that some of the stage 2 implentaitons like event registrations, online giving, small group management and volunteer management was all written in, so it was difficult for us to implement them.

But yesterday I was able to spend some time with Mike Burns, a friend of mine who now lives in Germany.  Mike shared with me some simple html thoughts and showed me correct ways to implement the features and move head with this excellent software known as Fellowship One.

This makes me happy, and it makes me very appreciative of good friends who I can both teach and learn from.  Who are you both teaching and learning from?

Until next time…