Sunday Morning Recap (saved)

February 12, 2008

Yesterday I wrote several thoughts on Sunday’s service @ Fellowship, and then I sent it out and lost it somewhere in webville.  So Al does a great job here of sharing his experience on Sunday, so we’ll stick with that. 

Until next time…

I have to tell you I don’t know if I’ve been this excited for a service in my entire life.  This Sunday at Fellowship Church something is going to happen that I’ve never seen done at a church before.  I’m sure it has happened sometime somewhere, but as for me, never come across it, and I’m totally juiced about it.

Wish I could tell you the secret, but I can’t, so you’ll just have to make your way to Fellowship Church in Holden, Mass this Sunday, the 13th, at 11:00 am to see it.  Sorry 9:30ers, this one’s for a later time period.

Also,I might be starting to play in a basketball league this Monday.  I’m not totally sure, but if I do, it would be on Monday the 14th in Rutland, and I would be playing in a 30 and over league.  Can you believe that? Im totally out of shape as far as basketball is concerned, but it would require getting back in shape – an event which I’m ready to do again.

By the way, I’ve been to the gym 4 times a week for the last 4 weeks now.  Thanks for your support!

My favorite thing about this week’s blogging has been this:  I had someone tell me that one of the site’s on my blog had an evil link to it and I should be more careful about what I’m allowing on my site.

I was frantic.

I looked all through my site and my blogs searching for the smut or the porn that someone could have placed on my blog.  I couldn’t believe someone would do that.  Well, I could believe it, I just didn’t want to.

After some time searching for the evil, I finally found out that the site I was looking for was a site of our small groups director who asked the question,”Will we go to heaven?” and then explained why he was asking the question.  I don’t often reply to blogs in great detail, and this was no exception, but evidently this was a bad question to ask.

Though I believe that we will go to heaven when we have a relationship with Christ, I also believe Jeff has a point and a perfectly good right to ask the question.  I hope his blog sparks communication among people and the truth comes out, not because it’s what we’ve been taught, but because it’s what is actually found in Scripture. So I applaud Jeff’s genuine searching for the truth.  More people should lead in a way he has – by asking questions.

Jeff and I have debated many things, but I will never look down on him for seeking the truth – I won’t look down on you either.  Well…maybe you.

Until next time…